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Introducing our law firm

The Law Firm

Mario Brusa, Sergio Spagnolo, Paolo Tosoni, Mauro Carelli, criminal lawyers of the Court of Milan, after having started their professional activities in some of the major criminal law firm, established in 2001 the associated Law Firm “Studio Legale Associato Brusa Spagnolo Tosoni & Partners”, later become “Studio Legale Brusa Spagnolo Tosoni Carelli”.

The competences of the law firm include judicial and extrajudicial activities, mainly focusing on commercial criminal law, with particular specialization in corporate crimes (i.e. white-collar crimes):

  • Corporate and economic criminal law (financial, banking, bankruptcy and tax law);

  • Environmental criminal law;

  • Criminal labour law (work safety);

  • Criminal law of the public administration;

  • Intellectual property law (patents, trademarks, copyright);

  • Criminal law of professional culpable liability;

  • Industrial criminal law;

  • Corporate administrative liability (D.Lgs. 231/01);

  • International criminal law (extradition procedure, international arrest warrant, rogatory letters to and from abroad).    


BSTC law firm   provides criminal law assistance both to physical persons and the main Italian and international companies; it provides consultancy activity regarding the prevention of the risk of commission of crimes.


Brusa Spagnolo Tosoni Carelli Law Firm cooperates with several italian and international criminal and civil law Firms.


Legal Activity

We provide legal assistance in criminal matters trough trusted experts all over the Italian territory, also making use of a capillary and established network of correspondents. The knowledge of legal English and French ensures qualified assistance also to foreign clients who have to face criminal law matter within the jurisdiction of the Italian state.


Private citizens, companies and public entities can have professional advice concerning the evaluation of criminal law matters within business activities, including prevention of accidents, environmental protection, as well as “Voluntary Disclosure” and “privacy”.


The firm organizes and provides training courses in criminal matters (about substantial and procedural rules) with a focus on economic criminal law.

Servizi Studio BST
Lo Studio BST

BSTC Law Firm


Certifications and Awards

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