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15 hours ago1 min read
Business & Affari publishes "The Superclassification of Law Firms"
Sono 72 quelle che hanno meritato il bollino "TOP", in crescita sul 2024. Dal fatturato all'innovazione, dai clienti alle risorse umane, dal

Dec 5, 20243 min read
Full acquittal for two busissmen accused of having distracted the company (defended by lawyers Mauro Carelli and Giuseppina Cimmarusti)
Due imprenditori erano stati tratti a giudizio – tra l’altro – per il reato di bancarotta fraudolenta patrimoniale, perché – in ipotesi d’ac

Oct 22, 20241 min read
Rosario Angelo Livatino, born in Canicattì on 3 October 1952, was an Italian lawyer and magistrate, victim of the mafia. He was...

Oct 7, 20241 min read
Full acquittal for the former rector of the State University of Milan, Prof. Elio Franzini, defended by the lawyer Paolo Tosoni
Rectors acquitted in the concorsopoli trial The rectors of the University of Milan, Elio Franzini, and of the Vita-Salute San Raffaele di...
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