Rectors acquitted in the concorsopoli trial
The rectors of the University of Milan, Elio Franzini, and of the Vita-Salute San
Raffaele di Milano, Felice Enrico Gherlone, were acquitted by the Court of Milan together
to the professors Francesco Montorsi (full professor of Urology at San Raffaele), Marco Carini
(Professor of Urology at the University of Florence) and Stefano Centanni (director of the
(Department of Health Sciences at the State University) for the irregularities that the prosecutors Carlo Scalas and
Bianca Maria Eugenia Baj Macario believed they had spoiled the competition in 2020-2021 for
a full professorship position of which he was president of the awarding committee
Click below to download the press review
Watch the TGR video interview
Franzini articles from: Corriere della sera, La Repubblica, Milano Today, Sky TG 24 and Affaritaliani.