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Alice Montanari

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My story

I was born in Cattolica (RN) on January 17th, 1985.

I graduated from the Luigi Bocconi University of Milan. During my university career, from October 2008 to April 2009, I participated in the Willem C. Vis International Arbitration Moot, Vienna (Competition in the field of international commercial arbitration) and in an internship at a banking institution.

After graduation, I did a six-month internship in a company active in the financial sector, where I learned how companies and their in-house legal departments work.
I have been working with the “Brusa Spagnolo Tosoni Carelli Law Firm” since January 2011, achieving the title of lawyer in January 2014.

While working in the Firm, I gained experience and expertise in the field of corporate criminal law, having participated in relevant trials on the subjects, among others, of corporate, tax, bankruptcy, environmental and property crimes. I also provided consultancy in non-judicial dispute on, inter alia, environmental law and administrative liability of entities.


Language and Contacts

English and German

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